“When we bring awareness to the present moment, qualities of wisdom and compassion arise and become the ground of support as we investigate the obstacles that interfere with living a wise and compassionate life.”

to Mar 24

New Zealand — 11-day Silent Meditation Retreat

Awakening Loving Presence

with Di Robertson

Within the beauty and serenity of Te Moata, we will have the opportunity to
deepen into a period of sustained noble silence that connects us with ourselves and
all forms of life as we direct our attention to what’s truly present, here and now.
On retreat we have a precious opportunity to stop and look deeply together, to
recognize and feel the love that is always present, holding us and everything
together even when our experience feels painful. When we are present with
ourselves in a meditative way, we can see how our tendency to get caught in
distracting storylines and beliefs disconnects us from the fullness of our present
moment experience and obscures the love that is ever present. Only by turning
within and deeply sensing and feeling can we know the true heart’s release that is
possible for all of us. Once in touch, we can begin to expand the circle of love
beyond our usual boundaries where we respect diversity and are inclusive of
everyone and everything without distinction. In this way, we touch into the joy of
presence itself.
During this retreat, we will draw on the meditative practices of formal sitting,
walking, work meditations, movement practices and guided meditations, along
with dharma talks, individual and group discussions — all to steady us, to sustain us
and to enliven our hearts. Held in noble silence, there will also be open periods to
find your individual rhythm in the retreat.
This retreat is suitable for both experienced students and for those newer to
meditation practice.

For more information: https://temoata.org/events/awakening-the-heart-of-wisdom-meditation-retreat-with-sharda-rogell/ or email: retreat@temoata.org

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to Sep 10

Canada: — Holding Things Lightly: 2 Day In-Person Non-residential Retreat

  • La Cité universitaire francophone, University of Regina Main Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, September 9 — 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, and Sunday, September 10, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm (Saskatchewan time)

By immersing ourselves in silent sitting and walking meditation, supported by the profundity of the Buddha’s teaching, we will infuse our body, heart and mind with present-moment embodied awareness. We will explore together a spontaneous, wise and open-hearted relationship with the moment-to-moment changing flow of life’s experience. We will investigate the Buddha’s teaching on the eight worldly winds to understand how we get entangled in conditions and loose our sense of freedom. Since awareness practice can also reveal layers of physical and emotional tension and pain, as we open to the truth of our experience we learn to cultivate a capacity for compassionately holding our suffering and transforming it into a deep sense of well-being.

Both new and experienced meditators are invited to participate in this deep immersion into awakening True Being.

All are welcome.

For registration and information, please contact Chris Gilboy at: 306-522-0616 (land-line) or christophergilboy@gmail.com

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Iceland — Being Embodied Awareness — A Silent Meditation Retreat — 12 - 17 May 2023
to May 17

Iceland — Being Embodied Awareness — A Silent Meditation Retreat — 12 - 17 May 2023

In the still pool of retreat silence, we will engage in meditative practices
together in order to open to the possibility of seeing ourselves and others
more clearly with wisdom and compassion. Infusing our body, heart and
mind with present-moment embodied awareness, we will explore together a
spontaneous, wise and open-hearted relationship with the moment-to-
moment changing flow of life’s experience. Awareness practice can also
reveal layers of physical and emotional tension and pain. Therefore, as we
open to the truth of our experience, we learn to cultivate a capacity for
compassionately holding our suffering and transforming it into a deep
sense of well-being.

Within the beauty of the surrounding nature, we will deepen into mindful
awareness and awaken our hearts together through alternating periods of
sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, small groups and discussions
in the hall. Sharda and Asta invite both new and experienced meditators to
participate in this deep immersion into awakening True Being.

All are welcome.

For more information and to register, go to Iceland Dharma Group: http://dharma.is
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Wellington, New Zealand Daylong Meditation Retreat — Sunday, March 26

“Lightly Held”

Our spiritual journey invites us into our experience, to meet and to fully open to what is here. Meditation has power because it connects us with ourselves and all life forms in a way that is real and true and therefore, ultimately compassionate. Whenever we are caught in distracting thoughts and emotions, we disconnect from the fullness of our present moment experience and are often led into negative and painful ways of being. This leads to suffering for ourselves, for others and for our world. Only when we find the path to our own loving heart and clarity of mind can we awaken to what’s truly possible.

During this challenging and unsettling time in our world, there is a need for us to stop and look deeply together, to not turn away from our heartbreak and recognize and feel the love that is always present and holds us all together. Once in touch, we can begin to expand the circle of love beyond our usual boundaries where we respect diversity and are inclusive of everyone without distinction.

Sharing together with Sharda’s heartfelt guidance in this daylong, we will draw on our meditative tools of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks and group discussions to steady and sustain us and to awaken our compassionate heart.

Everyone is welcome.

Go to for more information: https://wellingtoninsight.org.nz/?page_id=66

For registration and any questions, please contact Linley at welinsight.linley@gmail.com

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Christchurch, New Zealand Daylong Meditation Retreat — March 19, 2023

“Lightly Held”

Our spiritual journey invites us into our experience, to meet and to fully open to what is here. Meditation has power because it connects us with ourselves and all life forms in a way that is real and true and therefore, ultimately compassionate. Whenever we are caught in distracting thoughts and emotions, we disconnect from the fullness of our present moment experience and are often led into negative and painful ways of being. This leads to suffering for ourselves, for others and for our world. Only when we find the path to our own loving heart and clarity of mind can we awaken to what’s truly possible.

During this challenging and unsettling time in our world, there is a need for us to stop and look deeply together, to not turn away from our heartbreak and recognize and feel the love that is always present and holds us all together. Once in touch, we can begin to expand the circle of love beyond our usual boundaries where we respect diversity and are inclusive of everyone without distinction.

Sharing together with Sharda’s heartfelt guidance in this daylong, we will draw on our meditative tools of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks and group discussions to steady and sustain us and to awaken our compassionate heart.

Everyone is welcome.

Email southern.insight.meditation@gmail.com  or phone Chrys on 0272 86 86 53

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A Silent Meditation Retreat — A Wise and Bountiful Heart — 3 - 12 March 2023 New Zealand
to Mar 12

A Silent Meditation Retreat — A Wise and Bountiful Heart — 3 - 12 March 2023 New Zealand

A 9-day Silent Meditation Retreat  with Sharda Rogell and Di Robertson

Through direct contact with our sensory experience, the world comes into being. Are we present for this opportunity as our experience displays itself in each moment in a wondrous and mysterious way? When we are present with a heartful and embodied awareness, it is possible to become intimate with our experience in a whole new way. Yet, it seems we need to cultivate and strengthen our capacity for presence in order to open to the boundless gifts that are waiting for us. In this retreat, we will engage and explore the experience of waking up into the wonderment of this present moment and what it offers to us when we do.

Silent retreat creates the opportunity to disentangle from and loosen the shackles of the tenacious limited belief of who we take ourselves to be -- without denying, suppressing or bypassing our personal and emotional experience. When we relax into the ever present existence of lovingkindness, it melts the boundaries of our solidified view of ourselves and others. It is love that frees us from the polarization and division we feel and opens our heart to what is truly possible for us as human beings together. This allows us to respond to the world at this potent time with wisdom and compassion rather than anger, fear and resistance.

We will deepen into mindful awareness and awaken our hearts together within the beauty of the nature of Te Moata, alternating between sitting and walking meditation, guided meditations, movement practices, dharma talks, small groups, one to one meetings and discussions in the hall.  There will also be an open period in the afternoon that will allow you to find your own rhythm in the practice.

This retreat is suitable for new and experienced students alike.


For further information or to be put on the waitlist, go to https://temoata.org, or email Paul at retreat@temoata.org

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Silence and Solitude: One-day Online Retreat


Saturday, 21 January 2023

11:00 am - 5:30 pm SASKATCHEWAN TIME (9:00 am - 3:30 pm Pacific Time)

Solitude and Stillness in the New Year

As the new year of 2023 rolls in and the holidays recede into the past, we will gather together to settle into the silence and peace that is always here when we turn our awareness towards it and invite the quiet in. We can discover the peacefulness that is the true nature of our being, always accessible when we let go. Access to this inner stillness is our true refuge and gives us protection during these challenging times. It leads us to true equanimity which is the deepest peace and allows for a compassionate response to whatever is occurring.
In this daylong, there will be dharma talks, guided meditations, time for walking and movement and group discussions.

 Everyone is welcome.

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One Day Retreat ON LINE


Divine Order and Innocence

Saturday, 27 August 2022

10:00 am - 4:30 pm SASKATCHEWAN TIME (9:30 am - 3:30 pm Pacific Time)

By slowing down and quieting ourselves with less distractions, we have the opportunity to know the freshness and innocence of our being and of all things.

Innocence comes from the Latin root, unwounded. This is sometimes known as the “emptiness and purity of heart". This can be experienced as a union with nature since we are nature and not separate from nature. As we allow our innate curiosity to know ourselves and reality, as we trust in the way nature unfolds, we may know the divine order that underlies everything. This is known in the ancient teachings as dharma. Our practice strengthens trustallowing supports letting gorelaxing brings us closer to presence, to ourselves, to our deeper nature. Here we can sense this divine order and know ourselves in our innocence.

Our capacity for embodied presence allows for and gives us a way to hold our experience in a non-interfering way. This helps to lessen our sense of overwhelm because at these times, the awareness/presence is stronger than the conditioned mind. Our patterns are less likely to take hold. We are able to transform our pain so we are less identified with our pain. And the more open and allowing we learn to be, the more access there is to the positive qualities of our being. Then our pure goodness can flow out into the world. 

For this daylong retreat, you are encouraged to set aside a day of quiet with few distractions so that the conditions support the opportunity for a deep experience into knowing your own innocence as well as the underlying order within and of all things. Along with the teachings offered by Sharda, there will be time for sitting meditation, discussions, as well as time for walking and/or moving in silence. There will be a 45 minute lunch break mid day. We ask that people commit to attending the full retreat.

Everyone is welcome.

To register, please email CHRIS GILBOY at christophergilboy@gmail.com or 306-522-0616 (it's a landline, so he has no access to text messages). Leave your name and email address so he can send you the Zoom links and some other retreat-related information.


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